How to Create a Logo: Designing a Logo from Scratch With AI

How to Create a Logo: Designing a Logo from Scratch With AI

Creating a logo is crucial for building a brand, as it’s an opportunity to make a strong first impression. A professional logo can effectively convey your brand message and make your website stand out.

In this article, you’ll learn how to make a logo from scratch with Hostinger AI Logo Maker.

We’ll guide you through the entire process, from defining your brand identity to refining your final logo design. We’ll also share examples of great corporate logos and give you tips on how to design a truly memorable logo.

A logo is a visual representation that serves as the face of your brand. A business logo often includes text, logo symbols, or both. Logos are typically designed to convey your brand’s identity and message visually.

A logo’s color, typography, and shape contribute to how it communicates your brand’s core elements. For example, a tech company might opt for a sleek, minimalist logo design to convey innovation and efficiency. Meanwhile, a children’s toy store might use bright colors and playful fonts to appear friendly and inviting.

Logos are used across various platforms and mediums, from business cards and websites to packaging and advertising. Because of this, it’s essential for a logo to be versatile, scalable, and easily recognizable, both in color and black and white.

A company logo should be a brand’s visual cornerstone that’s easily recognizable to its audience. It can convey a company’s mission, values, and service quality.

Here are essential reasons why you should design a logo:

  • Brand identity and first impressions. A logo helps establish your brand’s identity in the market. It’s often the first thing people notice about your business. By making a strong first impression, you can attract potential customers.
  • Consistency and professionalism. Having a well-designed logo across various platforms provides a consistent image. Consistency builds trust, and trust is crucial for customer loyalty. It signals that you’re a legitimate and professional entity.
  • Memorability and market differentiation. A unique and compelling logo is easier to remember, helping customers recognize your brand among a sea of competitors.
  • Emotional connection. Good logos can evoke feelings and convey the company’s ethos, helping you connect emotionally with your audience.

Creating a standout logo might seem daunting, but you don’t need to be a professional graphic designer to craft something memorable. A clear understanding of your brand and a step-by-step approach can guide you to success.

1. Define Your Brand Identity

The first step in your logo design journey is to define your brand’s personality and identity. This is crucial for creating a custom logo that resonates with your target audience.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the brand attributes, core values, and messages that your company represents?
  • What is your company’s core mission?
  • Who is your ideal customer?
  • What sets your brand apart from the competition?
  • What experiences do you want your customers to have?

Then, start by writing down your brand’s mission statement. This will serve as the foundation for your logo design process.

Next, identify your target audience and understand their preferences. Are they young, tech-savvy individuals? Or an older, more traditional crowd? Consider creating an ideal client profile to help you better understand the customer.

Take some time to brainstorm keywords and concepts that align with your company name and what it stands for.

It’s also a good idea to think about the emotions you want your logo to evoke and how you want your audience to perceive your brand. For example, if you’re launching a fitness brand, words like “dynamic,” “energetic,” and “inspiring” might be relevant to your brand identity design.

2. Find Ideas for Your Logo Design

Before you start designing, look for inspiration from other logos. Look at other company logos, especially those in your industry, to get a sense of what works and what doesn’t.

This research will help you determine the style that best suits your brand. Whether you’re leaning towards an abstract design or a more traditional emblem, having a clear vision will guide your logo creation process.

Additionally, understanding logo trends in your industry lays a strong foundation for your design venture.

Browse through logo design galleries or platforms like Behance and Dribbble. Take note of logo designs that catch your eye and consider why they are effective.

For instance, think about how different shapes and symbols in logos affect perception. For example, circles often signify unity and commitment.

3. Choose a Logo Style

There are various styles to consider when designing a logo. From abstract to monogram and combination marks, your chosen style should align with your brand’s visual identity and the message you want to convey.

For instance, tech companies often opt for minimalist and modern brand marks with classic fonts. Meanwhile, a bakery might use more organic shapes and decorative logo typography.

Decide on a style that fits your brand and preferences, whether it’s minimalist, vintage, or abstract. Consider the impact that different design elements like lines, decorative fonts, and colors have on the logo overall.

Also, think about how your logo will look on branded merchandise like T-shirts or mugs. The most common logo shapes, like rectangles and circles, are relatively easy to include on printed images and physical products.

4. Sketch Your Logo Idea

Begin with rough sketches on paper. At this stage, creativity is more important than any artistic skill. Sketching is a low-stakes way to experiment with different logo ideas, and you might discover unique concepts that you hadn’t thought of initially.

For example, if you’re opening a coffee shop, you might sketch coffee cups, beans, or even a steaming tea mug.

Sketch multiple ideas to explore different logo design ideas. Experiment with different logo colors, shapes, and symbols. For example, arrows for a logistics company or leaves for an eco-friendly brand. Don’t limit yourself – think outside the box and let your creativity flow.

5. Choose the Right Fonts and Colors

Fonts and colors play a significant role in conveying your logo’s message. Ensure they align with your website’s color scheme, theme, and brand identity.

The psychology of color and typography can significantly impact how your audience perceives your brand. For instance, a law firm might choose a classic serif font to convey trustworthiness. Meanwhile, a creative agency could use more vibrant, bolder logo color choices to indicate innovation.

Select a primary and secondary color that aligns with your brand’s identity. For example, blue often signifies trust and reliability.

Then, choose a font that complements your brand. Test different color and font combinations to see what works best together with your logo shape.

6. Design Your Logo Digitally

Now, it’s time to bring your sketches to life. While you proceed, make sure to maintain your brand’s identity throughout the digital design process.

Use logo design tools to create a digital version of your logo. If you’re looking for an easy solution, Hostinger’s AI Logo Maker can help you design a quality logo in minutes.

However, note that you need to buy our hosting plan to receive a free credit. You can use it to generate a logo once and get four logo variations to choose from.

Once the credit is spent, you need to purchase more credits to generate more logos. Don’t worry – it only costs $5 for 50 credits.

After buying a plan, follow these steps to get started:

  1. Head to the Hostinger AI Logo Maker homepage.
  2. Click on the Create Your Logo Now button.
Hostinger Logo Maker homepage
  1. Log in to your Hostinger account.
  2. Type your brand name and describe your brand in a few words.
Tell us about your brand screen in the Logo Maker flow
  1. Wait for the AI tool to generate a static logo symbol.
AI is generating your logo waiting screen in the Logo Maker flow
  1. Browse the generated logos and choose one that you like the most.
Overview of generated logos
  1. Edit your logo to fit your branding. You can change the icon, the text, and the layout of your new logo.
Closeup of logo editing options
  1. You can also change the icon style.
Closeup of logo style selection view
  1. Once you’re satisfied with the logo, click on the Download button to save your logo file.
Closeup of logo editing options with Download button highlighted

If you want to generate more icons, click Buy credits to purchase additional credits.

Purchase logo credits pop-up
Hostinger web hosting banner

Next, gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to your design. This will ensure that your logo looks good and functions well across various platforms and mediums.

For example, a logo that looks great on a business card or a landing page might not be as effective in a video or on a social media profile.

Conduct a small focus group to gather feedback on your logo. This could be as simple as showing the design to friends and family or as formal as a targeted survey of your potential customer base. Make adjustments based on the feedback received.

For example, if your focus group finds the logo confusing or not representative of your brand, adjust the design until the issue is solved.

Test your logo’s scalability and how it looks on different platforms. For instance, make sure all text is legible when scaled down for a mobile screen and also impactful when scaled up for larger formats like banners or billboards.

Great Logo Examples for Logo Design Inspiration

Here are five examples of well-designed logos that effectively convey their brand’s message.

1. Nike: The Swoosh

Nike about us page

Created in 1971 by graphic design student Carolyn Davidson, the Nike Swoosh has become one of the most recognizable logos in the world.

The Swoosh is a simple, curved design that represents a wing, capturing the essence of movement and speed. Its simplicity makes it easily adaptable across various mediums, from sneakers to apparel to digital platforms.

The Swoosh has also been a part of iconic marketing campaigns, further embedding it in public consciousness. This shows a logo’s power to represent a brand and become an integral part of its storytelling.

2. Apple: The Bite

Apple iPad landing page section highlighting Apple logo

The Apple logo features a minimalist apple with a bite taken out of it. Designed in 1977 by Rob Janoff, the bitten apple is a visual pun on “byte,” the computing unit.

This effective logo is simple yet iconic, signifying brand consistency. This simplicity makes the logo easy to recognize, making it a global symbol of innovation and high-quality products.

The bitten apple also subtly hints at knowledge and discovery, adding a layer of depth to an otherwise simple design.

3. Starbucks: The Mermaid

Starbucks landing page

The Starbucks logo features a twin-tailed mermaid, or siren, encircled by the company name. Created in 1987, the logo was inspired by a 16th-century Norse woodcut. It doesn’t directly relate to coffee but captures the seafaring history of coffee and Seattle’s strong seaport roots.

The logo has undergone several redesigns but has always retained the siren as its focal point, demonstrating the brand’s commitment to its original ethos while adapting to modern aesthetics.

Remember that your logo doesn’t have to be literal. An abstract logo mark can capture the essence of your brand and make it more intriguing. Your focus should be on making a logo that stands out.

4. Coca-Cola: The Script

Coca-Cola landing page

The Coca-Cola logo features the company’s name in flowing red script against a white background. Created in 1886, the logo was handwritten by Frank M. Robinson, the company’s bookkeeper.

This script logo has remained largely unchanged for over a century, becoming synonymous with the brand.

The flowing script also acts as an image that evokes feelings of nostalgia and comfort. The red and white color scheme has also become iconic, often associated with happiness and refreshment, aligning perfectly with the brand’s messaging.

Consider mixing logo design techniques, like combining handwritten phrases with digital symbols or shapes, for a unique effect.

5. McDonald’s: The Golden Arches

McDonalds services and amenities page

McDonald’s logo features two golden arches that form an “M.” Designed in 1961 by Jim Schindler, the arches were part of the architectural design of the original restaurants.

The Golden Arches have become more famous than the food they represent. The simplicity and color of the logo make it instantly recognizable, even from a distance. This is crucial for a fast-food chain with a global presence.

The arches are so iconic that they often replace the brand name in signage, showing how a logo can serve as a visual shorthand for what a customer can expect from a brand. For instance, when designing a website logo, consider how the logo would work in different environments and contexts, from printed media to physical adverts and signage.

Tips for Creating a Logo

Designing a logo involves creativity, but adhering to its best practices ensures your design is both visually compelling and strategically effective.

Keep these things in mind when creating a website logo for your brand:

Consider Your Audience

Tailor your logo design to appeal to your target audience. Understand their preferences, behaviors, and lifestyles to create a logo that resonates with them. A well-thought-out logo can build a strong connection between your brand and your audience, contributing to brand loyalty and recognition.

For instance, a youthful, vibrant logo may appeal to a younger audience, while a sophisticated, elegant logo might attract a more mature demographic.

Simplicity is Key

A simple logo can often be more memorable and recognizable. Avoid over-complicating your design with too many elements or intricate details that could confuse your audience.

The goal is to create a logo that’s easy to remember and identifies your brand at a glance. Famous logos like that of Apple, Nike, and McDonald’s leverage simplicity to create a lasting impression.

Keep It Unique and Avoid Clichés

To make your logo memorable, strive for originality. Avoid overused symbols like globes for global companies or light bulbs for ideas.

Instead, experiment with unique abstract logo marks that can become synonymous with your brand. For example, Apple’s logo is a simple but unique apple shape with a bite taken out, making it instantly recognizable.

Remember Color Theory

Utilize color theory to evoke the right emotions and messages through your logo. Each color can represent different feelings and ideas, so choose colors that align with your brand and message.

For example, blue often symbolizes trust and calm, while red can evoke excitement and passion. Therefore, choosing blue over red or vice versa can play a significant role in how your audience perceives your brand.

Make the Logo Timeless

Design a logo that will stand the test of time. Timeless logos often use classic style elements rather than trendy techniques that will go out of fashion. For example, avoid trendy fonts and stick to traditional ones that have proven longevity.

Coca-Cola’s logo, which has remained largely unchanged since the late 1800s, proves the value of a timeless design.

Ensure Scalability for Various Uses

A well-designed logo should be legible and versatile in different platforms and sizes. This is crucial for brand recognition, especially when your logo appears on various branding materials.

Design a logo template in vector format to ensure it scales without losing quality, and test it on different mediums, from business cards to billboards. Nike’s Swoosh logo is a great example – it’s simple, scalable, and effective on a shoe or billboard.

Adapt for Different Backgrounds

Your logo should also be designed to be effective on various backgrounds. This ensures that it remains impactful regardless of where it’s placed.

Test your logo on both light and dark backgrounds and ensure it remains visible. For instance, the Twitter bird logo is effective on both light and dark backgrounds due to its simple color scheme.

Trademark Your Logo

You must trademark your logo to protect your brand. This ensures that your logo remains unique to your brand and prevents others from using a similar design.

Consult with a legal advisor to understand the trademarking process and file the necessary paperwork to secure your logo. Disney’s iconic “D” is a good example, as it’s trademarked to ensure that no other entertainment company can use a similar design.


Great logos are simple, memorable, and effective in communicating the brand’s core values. They also work well against different backgrounds and when scaled up or down.

Before designing your logo, make sure you have researched your industry and understand the basic design trends, as well as the common connotations of different colors, shapes, and fonts.

Luckily, you don’t need to know graphic design to make a logo for your business or website. Use tools like Hostinger AI Logo Maker to create a logo quickly and start building your brand online.

How to Create and Design a Logo FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions about creating a perfect logo for your brand.

What Makes a Good Logo?

A good logo is memorable and scalable. It should align with your brand and encapsulate its personality. It should also be versatile enough to work across various mediums and platforms in your marketing efforts.

How Can I Create My Own Logo?

You can create your own logo using various logo creator tools, including Hostinger’s logo maker. Our logo maker allows even those without design experience to craft a compelling logo. The design process often starts with sketching ideas, exploring logo fonts, and understanding your brand personality to determine the logo’s style.

Do I Need Any Design Experience to Create a Logo?

No, anyone can create a logo with the right tools and guidelines. Many modern design tools offer user-friendly interfaces that make the process accessible. Exploring logo design tips and examples online can also provide a good starting point.

Can I Design a Logo for Free?

Yes, you can design a logo for free, especially with tools like Hostinger’s AI logo generator. This tool offers a range of customization options at no cost, making it a great choice for those on a budget. There are also free logo templates available online to speed up your process.

The author

Matleena Salminen

Matleena is a seasoned Content Writer with 5 years of content marketing experience. She has a particular interest in emerging digital marketing trends, website building, and AI. In her free time, Matleena enjoys cups of good coffee, tends to her balcony garden, and studies Japanese. Follow her on LinkedIn