The author

Edward S.

Edward is a content editor with years of experience in IT writing, marketing, and Linux system administration. His goal is to encourage readers to establish an impactful online presence. He also really loves dogs, guitars, and everything related to space.

More posts by Edward S.

How to Rename Files in Linux Using the mv and rename Commands

A command-line terminal is an essential tool for administrating Linux systems, including a VPS. It lets users execute various Linux commands to...

What Is a cURL Command and How to Use It

The cURL command is a useful Linux tool for data transfer and connection troubleshooting. On the client side, cURL is powered by libcurl, a free URL...

How to Install Laravel on Ubuntu with Apache in 2024

There are many powerful PHP frameworks, but some of them have limitations when it comes to reading the application’s source code. This can be a...

How to Install FFmpeg on Linux, macOS, and Windows

FFmpeg is a cross-platform application that manages various types of multimedia files. The tool contains a set of shared audio and video libraries...