The author

Edward S.

Edward is a content editor with years of experience in IT writing, marketing, and Linux system administration. His goal is to encourage readers to establish an impactful online presence. He also really loves dogs, guitars, and everything related to space.

More posts by Edward S.

SQLite vs MySQL – What’s the Difference

A core part of any website or development design is the database. There are several databases available on the market. SQLite, as well as MySQL, are...

How to Install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 9 Stream

MySQL is a database that is popular above all kinds of developers! It’s open source and maintains a perfect balance between speed and features....

WordPress Nginx: Everything You Need to Know About Installing WordPress on Ubuntu

Nginx is an open-source web server that was first released in 2004 and is written completely in the C programming language. It has many benefits that...

How to Use SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

FTP is the standard method of transferring files or other data between computers, but it’s becoming more and more outdated in today’s...

How to Install PostgreSQL on CentOS 7 

Nowadays, most modern applications include a database. However, because there are so many database management systems available, selecting the best...

How to Install Maven on Ubuntu: Using Apt and Official Website

Software development is one of the most challenging areas to work in. Fortunately, the right tools can make the development process more streamlined...

How to Set the Timezone in CentOS 7

While you are setting up a new server, very often you might have to set the timezone. In certain cases, you might want to change your timezone....

How to Install Docker on CentOS 9 Stream + Docker Compose

Docker’s concept and technology are very widespread today. Many sysadmins use it for their work because of the many advantages they provide when...

Linux Touch Command: What It Is + Examples of How to Use It to Modify Timestamps

People usually associate the touch command in Linux with creating files. However, like many other Linux commands, it offers much broader...